"Above the Fold" in the Courier Post
This past Tuesday I was featured on the front page of the Courier Post Newspaper in a story titled “Brushing up on Baseball” which as you can guess is an article about the art of baseball.
For those of you not from the area, the Courier is a South Jersey based newspaper serving the Philadelphia area. It is the fourth largest paper in New Jersey.
My participation in the article came out of the blue really. As I was pushing to get my Mark Howe piece done amongst other work, I received a call from the writer Steve Wood who had said he had seen my work after being referred and asked if I would participate. I am all for free publicity after all so of course I obliged. The next day there was a photographer here talking pictures for the article. Funny how quickly these thing can happen.
After being bumped a few days, the article finally ran in the March 6th edition. When I went to the store to pick it up I was completely surprised as I walked up to the stack of papers on the rack to see myself right on the front page. Not something I am used to or was expecting. Very cool nevertheless. Thankfully it was not a bad photo of me either.
I think the most gratifying part about the whole experience was seeing how excited my kids were to see “Daddy” on the newspaper. After all this makes me “famous”. My daughter (8) was in tears and took the paper to school today. My son (5) was bragging on my behalf telling everyone he saw.
Below is a photo of the front page and here is a link to the article on their web site although I am not certain how long they stay active: http://www.courierpostonline.com/article/20120306/NEWS01/303060026/Artists-draw-baseball-s-history?odyssey=tab
Thanks to the Courier for featuring me, Steve Wood for writing a great article and John Ziomek for the photos.