Fighting in the NHL

Year: 1992
Usage: Art school project [editorial illustration]
Media: Acrylic on board

© The Wilkinson Gallery,LLC




  1. David Lowy
    November 1, 2016

    I’m just curious in your artwork about fighting in the NHL would that have been the image of Scott mellanby and the one punch knockout on Saturday night in Quebec when I was many many many years younger?
    Also please let me say how incredible your work is as a lifelong Flyers fan I absolutely love it and hopefully in the near future and Mabel to order some items from you. At this time may I ask if you have anything regarding Pelle Lindbergh weather released to the public or any things you might have been working on your own that may be available as part of my flyers Museum I’m looking for something rather original of Pelle.
    I thank you for your time and consideration of my within requests and again I absolutely love your work keep up the good work and have a great day

    • David
      November 3, 2016

      Greetings David (Nice name BTW!), Thank you for your comment and the compliments. Both are much appreciated. Yes. You are correct. That is exactly where that “Fighting” painting came from. That one was done many years ago not too long after that fight occurred. It was an art school Illustration project where we had to do an editorial illustration of some kind. More often that not I tended to pick something Flyers / hockey related. I believe that was my sophomore year which would have been around 1995 – 1996.

      Regarding Pelle, it is funny you should ask. Just last week I was searching around through images seeing if there was something that inspires me. Been something that has been on my “to do” list for a while. Unfortunately that list is very long and I have to squeeze these paintings in in-between my paying clients so unfortunately I am left with little time to do what I would like. Other than that the only images I have done of Pelle were some pencil sketches way back in High School which I posted here.

      Thanks again!


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